Ever notice how some people have this insane level of unwarranted paranoia? They believe people are out to create havoc in their lives. I have a theory that these types of people thrive on drama and turmoil because it makes them feel needed or acknowledged in some way. Ironically, this erratic way of thinking provides a sense of normalcy for them because they don't know how to function without chaos in their life.
I have a person in my world, with whom interaction is unavoidable, who seems to constantly want to throw me under the bus for no justifiable reason. [Side note: Fortunately, it has been approximately three weeks since the last attempt to sacrifice me] It would appear, in this person's mind, I have this evil plan all mapped out to ultimately over throw them in order to take their imaginary "crown and glory." I can't help but want to inconspicuously do something to feed the disorder so that it can be validated. Would that be a terrible thing to do? Or, would I be helping an insane person get one step closer to sanity by substantiating their delusions?
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