Word Count: 22,023 (as of Day 18)
So I've been neglecting you all and I'm sorry! This has been an exciting journey thus far. I have had a bit of a stumbling start, but I have surpassed last years' attempt by leaps and bounds. I have had an immense amount of support and it helps to keep me positive. I get to discuss this journey with my boyfriend and he listens intently and is eager to help me stay motivated and inspired; I am truly lucky. I am working on my craft and getting better with every key stroke.
Last night was a great session with fellow Wrimos Jaime & Kathy! Along with the support received from home, it is great to be able to surround myself with people intent on the same goal. There flying fingers are additional motivation to keep my moving! I also discovered a cool new program from Kathy that helps keep ones' focus and makes cool typewriter noises!
My brother and nephew are scheduled to arrive this weekend. With all the excitement I will have to somehow manage to remain focused! After today there are only 11 days of NaNoWriMo remaining! I need to go into hyper speed!